Saturday, February 8

Da Duminsa: Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi yayi magana akan dambarwar Sarautar Kano

Biyo bayan dambarwar data sarkake masarautar Kano, Babban malamin Addinin Islama, Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi ya fitar da sanarwa.

Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi ta hannun gidauniyarsa, ya bayyana cewa yana baiwa Gwamnan jihar Kano, Abba Kabir Yusuf Shawarar kada yayi abinda zai kawo hargitsi a jiharsa ta Kano.

Malamin ya bayyana cewa, bai ji dadin abinda gwamnatin jihar Kano ta yi ba na sauke Aminu Ado Bayero ta nada Muhammad Sanusi II ba.

Ya jawo hankalin gwamnatin jihar ta Kano cewa, ta yiwa doka biyayya dan zaman lafiya me dorewa a jihar ta kano.

Shugaban gidauniyar ta Dahiru Bauchi, Ibrahim Dahiruin ya bayyana cewa, babu wanda yafi karfin doka.

Karanta Wannan  Obasanjo,Abdulsalam, da Ali Gusau da IBB sun yi zama na musamman kan halin da Najeriya ke ciki

Yayi kira ga majalisar majalisar tarayya da ta yi doka da zata hana ‘yan siyasa amfani da damarsu wajan wulakanta sarakai ta hanyar saukesu.

Ga dai kalamansa cikin harshen turanci kamar haka:

” “In the interest of peace we want justice to prevail, since the court intervenes to maintain law and order, we expect each party to respect the rule of law in the interest of peace. It is wrong for the Kano State Government to continue with the process of appointing the 16th emir of Kano, and dethrone the five emirs despite the court injunction”

“I advise the emirs to take a vow in the interest of peace brotherhood to save the blood of many innocent souls and allow peace and stability to reign.

Karanta Wannan  Jami'n Dan Sandan Nijeriya Ya Rasa Ŕansa, Inda Wata Mota Ta Yi Çìki Da Shi A Shingen Bincike

“If for example Sanusi was dethroned by Former Governor Ganduje, and people prayed for his return, today he was appointed by Governor Abba, there is nothing wrong if Sanusi will emulate Sayyidina Hassan grandson of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon who left power to Mu’awiyyah in the interest of peace brotherhood among the Muslim Ummah”.

“In this light, I am calling on the National Assembly to amend the constitution and make laws that will protect traditional rulers from the politicians who used their powers to dethrone them or appoint them at their pleasure”

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