Saturday, March 15

Hoto:Allura cikin ruwa, wannan zankadediyar budurwar ‘yar Najeriya dake zaune a kasar Amurka na neman Mijin aure, tace me ilimi take so wanda ya iya girki, dan tana aiki ita zata rike gidan, kuma dole ya iya tsaftace gida sannan dole ya zama gwarzo ne wajan kwanciyar aure

Wannan matashiyar me suna Ogechukwu Christine Kalu ‘yar Najeriya ce dake zaune a kasar Amurka kuma ta bayyana cewa tana neman mijin aure.

Matar dai ta bayyana hakane a shafinta na sada zumunta ranar 2 ga watan Yuli inda tace kalar mijin da take so shine me ilimi, wanda ya iya girki, ya iya gyaran gida kuma ya ita kwanciyar aure.

Wannan magana tata ta dauki hankula sosai saidai wasu sunce mata da wuya ta samu kalar wannan namijin.

“Now that my DM is clogged with “I love you” let me reinstate that I am single. Looking for a cute man, well educated, God fearing, knows how to pray and intercede for the family, can cook and enjoys laundry, is homely and can fold clothes immediately after laundry. Enjoys house chores, can take care of kids and also has a good job business and/or great career prospects. Loves PDA and can perform. Loves plants. Enjoys listening to worship. Expects loyalty, respect, faithfulness because he gives and is capable of giving them long term. Listens to understand and not to respond. Knows how to pronounce “parallelogram, Otorhinolaryngologist, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

Karanta Wannan  Soyayya text message

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