Sanata Shehu Sani daga jihar Kaduna ya bayyana cewa, yana jawo hankalin Gwamnonin Arewa da su canja matsaya akan kin amincewa da kudirin gyaran haraji da shugaban kasa, Bola Ahmad Tinubu ya ke son yi.
Yace kudirin abu ne me kyau da zai karawa gwamnati hanyoyin kudaden shiga.
Sannan yace yana baiwa Gwamnonin shawarar su karanta kudirin dokar dan su fahimceshi.
Sanata Shehu Sani dai ya bayyana cewa, babu inda aka ce za’a kara yawan harajin da ake karba a kudurin kuma babu inda aka ce kudirin zai sa a samu raguwar ayyukan yi ko kuma cutar wani yanki na kasarnan.
The Tax reform Bill is not inimical to the North or any part of this country.Its in fact economically beneficial and fair to all parts.People should keep aside sentiments and read the Bill carefully.Its a comprehensive and bold move to harmonise and simplify tax administration and streamline it’s operations and enforcement.The Bill will actually generate and safeguard more revenue to the states.It will also combat the corruption in the so called tax waivers granted to business cabals.
There is nowhere in the document where any region will be shortchanged or taxes will be increased or jobs will be lost.Northern Governors should rescind their decision to reject the Bill,take time to read it and make inputs where necessary.
NASS must treat this important Bill with all seriousness.