Kungiyar Kwadago, NLC ta bayyana cewa bata akince da tayin Naira dubu 62 a matsayin mafi karancin Albashi ba.
Tace kai ko dubu 100 ba zata amince dashi a matsayin mafi karancin Albashin ba, Kungiyar tace wannan kudi sun yi kadan wa ma’aikata su rayu ciki rufin asiri.
Mataimakin babban sakataren kungiyar, Chris Onyeka ne ya bayyana haka a Channels TV yayin ganawa dashi ranar Litinin.
Ya kuma ce kwaki 7 ko sati daya da suka baiwa gwamnati kan ta bayyana matsayinta ya kare ranar Talata, kuma idan gwamnatin ta dage akan hakan, zasu sake zama ranar talatar dan tsayar da matsaya kan ci gaba da yajin aikin.
“Our position is very clear. We have never considered accepting N62,000 or any other wage that we know is below what we know is able to take Nigerian workers home. We will not negotiate a starvation wage.
“We have never contemplated N100,000 let alone N62,000. We are still at N250,000, that is where we are, and that is what we considered enough concession to the government and the other social partners in this particular situation. We are not just driven by frivolities but the realities of the market place; realities of things we buy every day, bag of rice, yam, garri, and all of that.
“The Federal Government and the National Assembly have the call now. It is not our call. Our demand is there for them (the government) to look at and send an Executive Bill to the National Assembly, and for the National Assembly to look at what we have demanded, the various fact of the law, and then come up with a National Minimum Act that meets our demands.”