Shugaban kasa, Bola Ahmad Tinubu ya bayyana cewa shine gwarzon shugaban kasar da ya ajiye kwadayin sake cin zabe gefe guda, bai rufe masa ido ba, yayi abinda ya kamata na cire tallafin man fetur.
Ministan yada labarai, Muhammad Idris ne ya bayyana hakan a wani rubutu da yayi a wata jarida ta kasar Ingila.
Ya bayyana cewa, shugaban kasa, Bola Ahmad Tinubu yayi abinda ya kamata na cire tallafin man fetur.
Sannan kuma shugaban ya cire tallafin dala da sauransu dan tayar da komadar tattalin arzikin Najeriya.
Cire tallafin man fetur din dai ya jefa ‘yan Najeriya cikin halin matsin rayuwa, saidai Minista Muhammad Idris ya bayyana cewa, akwai matakai masu tsari da gwamnatin zata sake dauka nan gaba.
“The same has been the case with floating our currency, the Naira – a decision repeatedly delayed. Instead, we continued to artificially prop up the exchange rate – leading to a further and constant draining of the national budget while creating a black market in money exchange.
“No country in the world is free of politicians ducking hard political decisions. What is different is that now, nearly a generation after the return of democracy, Nigeria has a president willing to put his credibility and re-election on the line to drive through the reforms which are needed.
“Since taking office a year ago, President Tinubu has done what he promised on the economy: he has removed the fuel subsidy, floated the Naira, and instituted a raft of other reforms including changes to the tax code and waivers for foreign investors in critical industries including mining, energy, and infrastructure.”